Extrordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Meeting

On Saturday, September 23rd, at 9;30am in the main church, there will be a meeting for commissioned extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist. This meeting should only last about 1 hour and will explain the changes to the Mass and the performance of your ministry. This is a mandatory meeting. If you have questions or conflicts, […]
RCIA – Adult Faith Formation

The process called Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is open to those considering becoming Catholic, those considering returning to the Church, and those who have delayed Confirmation. RCIA explores the different tenets and teachings of the Catholic Faith, as well as helping the individual to develop a spiritual and prayer life. Classes will begin […]
Sunday Faith Formation for Children

Families who wish to enroll their child(ren) in our Sunday Faith Formation Program for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year still have time to register. Please email faithformationbscseminole@gmail.com. They will send you the necessary form. All registration forms must include a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate, even if you’ve submitted one in the past. THERE WILL […]