September 21, 2021, Tuesday ST. MATTHEW, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST

Matthew 9:9-13 It is not hard to imagine Peter carrying his load of fish from his boat to the tax collector’s booth. He’s been out all night in a rocking boat fighting the elements. How Peter and the rest of the people hated this man called Matthew! Yet, this man is sitting here doing nothing […]

9/20/2021 St. Francis De Posada

Francisco Martín Fernández de Posadas (25 November 1644 – 20 September 1713) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and a professed member of the Order of Preachers. He became a noted preacher and popular confessor while being hailed as a second Vincent Ferrer and in the beginning was subjected to violent dislike and ridicule from fellow Dominicans before he […]