Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Tuesday – 01-18-2022

Tuesday 2nd Week in Ordinary Time 2022    Mark 2:23-28    PUSH THEM BACK, WAY BACK. Moods are changing all the time. Sometimes when I am at a stoplight or coming off the expressway, I often see someone with a sign, “Hungry” or “Need Help.” Maybe you are like me. Depending on my mood, I either […]

1/17/2022 – St. Anthony of Egypt

St. Anthony was born around 251 into a wealthy family, near Cairo. At that time, the Catholic Church was spreading throughout the Roman empire, although the empire remained pagan and did not recognize Catholicism. Around the year 270, both of Anthony’s parents died, and he inherited their possessions and property. He reevaluated his life in […]