9/18/2021 – St. Joseph of Cupertino

Joseph of Cupertino (17 June 1603 – 18 September 1663) was an Italian Conventual Franciscan friar who is honored as a Christian mystic and saint. He was said to have been remarkably unclever, but prone to miraculous levitation and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping. Joseph began to experience ecstatic visions as a child, which were to continue throughout his life, and made him the […]
September 19, 20201 25th Sunday oin Ordinary Time
25th Sunday in Ord. Time B. "Receives me!’ Healthy competition is good for us. · It can bring the best in us. In sports, we go to the weight room. We are the last ones to leave the practice field. · In competition, we see the results. We might even come out first. This is […]
Thank You Volunteers!

Today several members of our Parish came together to assist with some school projects. Thank you all for assisting our Blessed Sacrament School. As a family, we are better when we work together!