Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Wednesday – 01-12-2022

Wednesday 1st Week in Ordinary Time 2022 Mark 1:29-39 IMMEDIATELY, DROP EVERYTHING, NO MESSING AROUND. Every day we hear about Covid. After Christmas family gatherings, we see hundreds of people lining up to get tested. Many times, it’s just a passing thought. What a difference when we know someone who has Covid and is sick. […]
1/11/2022 – St. Theodosius

bbot and founder. Born at Garissus, Cappadocia (modern Turkey), in 423, he undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and after meeting with the famed St. Simeon Stylites, he entered a monastery. Later, he was named the head of a church between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, but departed to live as a hermit near the Dead Sea. As […]
Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Tuesday – 01-04-2022

Tuesday after Epiphany Mark 6: 34-44 – ONE AND THE SAME HEART FOR PEOPLE. When was the last time you were moved with pity for someone? Think back to that moment someone’s suffering stabbed you in the middle of your heart like you couldn’t help it. Your compassion for them may have even shocked you. […]