Faith Formation for Youth Registration
As we prepare for the new term of Faith Formation, we are providing you with a fillable pdf for your use. Please fill out the form, save it to your computer and email it, along with the Baptismal Certificate to Faith Formation. Registration Form
Marriage Encounter
Worldwide Marriage Encounter’s mission is to assist married couples and priests to live fully intimate and responsible relationships, by providing them with a Catholic experience and ongoing community support for such a lifestyle. This ministry is open to all married couples. My command is this: Love each other as I love you -John 15:12 Contact […]
Kids for Jesus
What is K4J, you ask? K4J is a series of monthly programs that motivate kids to live virtue and love Christ through their Catholic faith. Each month the kids receive a mission pack filled with activities that develop good habits and build upon the virtue of the month. We currently are not running the monthly […]
Home Visitation
This ministry is devoted to meeting all parishioners in their homes to bring Holy Communion and invite them to further participation and catechesis at Blessed Sacrament. Contact Father Rick phone 727-391-4661
Friends of Blessed Sacrament
Friends of Blessed Sacrament is our Parishes newest ministry. Many men and women are asked to work on community projects that will help our fellow man. From helping with different projects with Pinellas Hope, feeding the migrant workers to helping our school community. No worthy project is too big or too small. Interested parties can […]
Faith Formation Adults
Contact Brent Sowards or Fred Eschenfelder Administrative Assistant – Gina Sowards Phone 727-391-466 Liturgical catechesis includes Lectionary-based catechesis, but it is a much broader concept. Liturgical catechesis prepares people to encounter fully the sacramental mysteries inherent in the liturgy, readying them for full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy. Liturgical catechesis similarly invites reflection […]
Ambassador Ministry
Members of the ambassador ministry are the face of Blessed Sacrament parish. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops conducted a survey on why Catholics leave the Church. One of the reasons cited was “They did not experience warm, personal, caring relationships in their encounters with Catholics.” As Mandy Rose said in her article Little Ways […]
Faith Formation for Youth
Contact Fred Eschenfelder – Director Gina Sowards – Administrative Assistant Phone 727-391-4661 Email: Overview Registration Overview Liturgical based religious education for public school attendees. CCD prepares the children for First Communion and Confirmation, as well as, provides education in Catholic Doctrine and Scripture. Blessed Sacrament is blessed to have over 10 catechists working with […]
Faith and Marriage Ministry
Time to enjoy, as a couple, an opportunity to pray together and grow together in love with God and your spouse. Recognize God’s love in your marriage and in each other as couples come together for one hour each month. Bring another couple and share together in building your relationship of marriage and your relationship […]
Bible Study
Contact Brent Sowards Phone 727-743-7601 Blessed Sacrament’s Bible Study group, a family actually, spends time discussing the upcoming week’s readings. The group discusses the political climate at the time of the reading, the author of the readings, and try to apply the message of old to our current times. From there, their discussions go to […]