1/13/2022 – St. Veronica of Milan

Saint Veronica was a poor maiden of Milan. Possessed of an angelic piety, she wished to enter the convent of the Augustinian nuns of Saint Martha, who were established in her native city. But the poverty of her parents had prevented the holy girl from receiving even the first rudiments of education. After working hard […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Friday – 01-14-2022

Friday 1st Week in Ordinary Time 2022  Mark 2:1-12 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011422.cfm SOLD OUT. NO ROOM FOR YOU. Is there concert he can’t wait to see? Think of the mad rush to the box office if the Buccaneers get into the Super Bowl. You grab your phone and you hope that it isn’t sold out. Some events sell […]