May 20, 2021, Thursday 7th Week of Easter

John 17:20-26 Thursday’s Mass Readings  How important are the words we speak to each other and the example we give every day. We probably don’t think much about that, but we leave something of ourselves in every interaction we have with another person.  “I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe […]

May 19, 2021, Wednesday 7th Week of Easter

John 17: 11b-19 Wednesday Mass Readings  When I was a child it was my responsibility  to set the table for dinner.   Before I could reach the dishes in the cabinet,  my Mom would get them for me.   Of course we used our everyday dishes,  the kind that didn’t break.  But when someone special was coming to dinner,  I went to the […]

May 18, 2021, 7th week of Easter

John 17:1-11. Tuesday Mass Readings  Let us take courage that like St. Paul and all the disciples; Jesus has placed us in his Father’s hands. How important it is to realize that blessing when trials come our way.  At the Last Supper Jesus told his disciples,  “Remember the word that I said to you,  ‘A slave is not […]

May 17, 2021, Monday 7th Week of Easter

John 16:29-33. Monday’s Mass Readings Jesus is telling us however many times we have left him or anyone to suffer alone; he will never lose faith in us.  In these final words of Jesus  before his arrest on Holy Thursday evening  the disciples tell Jesus that they pretty much get it,  they understand that he came from God.  Jesus wants […]

May 16 2021, Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord cycle B

Mark 16:15-20. Sunday Mass Readings  Jesus told us He would be with us, always.    I am sure that you have seen on the news or a documentary where  people have handled snakes and drank poison during church services  and what happened?    People were severely injured or even died.   If we took the scriptures literally, I doubt that […]