25 June, 2022 16:52

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 06-26-2022
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022
Luke 9:51-62 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/062622.cfm

One of the traits I have grown to love about Jesus is that he is so unpredictable. He comes out with the most outlandish remarks. They stop you in your tracks. How about “Unless you eat My Flesh and drink my Blood, you can have no life in me?” Or “Pick up your cross and follow Me.” How about His remark today, “Once the hand is laid to the plow, the one who looks back is not fit for the Kingdom.”

Plowing with a mule is hard work, and it takes a lot of dedication to plow straight and deep furrows. Think of a coach who pushes his players to the brink, so they won’t give up when the going gets tough. Think also of the patient who places his life in the hands of the surgeon who tells him, “Bishop Parkes, you will need a prosthetic leg and months of therapy.”

After much consideration, we commit to the sacrifice and hard work it takes to reach the desired goal. Can we be as sensible and courageous with Jesus?

Name something Jesus wants you to do. However, like the man in the Gospel, are you still going back with the man in the Gospel to bury something you will never use again?

For example, do you want to plow through reacting rashly to someone without collecting all the facts? It only causes hurt and pain. Or do you want to plow through reacting angrily to someone without trying to understand them? Are you saying no to a call of charity or working on a committee you have the time and ability to do?

It is time to put your hand on the plow and not look back.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

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