Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 2nd Sunday of Easter 2022 – 04-16-2023
2nd Sunday of Easter Mercy Sunday 2023
John 20:19-31 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/041623.cfm
St. Thomas is a good friend. How often the Lord gently nudges us to step outside our bubble so we can live life to the Max? The word “unless” can become very familiar to us. “Unless I put my finger in the nail marks.”
Unless this happens or unless that happens, I will not believe.” “I am only comfortable when things are on my terms.” Well, my terms can become the same old routine.
It’s like Peter. Jesus appeared to the disciples three times, and they still didn’t believe Jesus rose from the dead. At one time, they thought He was a ghost. So, what does Peter do? He returns to his old routine and says, “I’m going fishing.”
The other disciples follow. I wonder how often someone drew close to the Lord and fell back on their old worldly routines and handling situations. “I’m going fishing.” Think about how many miracles the disciples witnessed over three years.
Think of seeing Jesus right in front of them; they still want to go fishing. Yet, all these remarkable, divine interventions in our human nature didn’t change Peter and the disciples; only one thing did the Lord’s mercy.
Jesus was the same with all the disciples as He is with us. He kept coming back to them, offering them Peace with Him. But it didn’t sink in for Peter until he made his 3-fold acceptance of Jesus’ mercy.
Peter denied Jesus 3 times after our Lord’s arrest. The question, “Do you love Me, Peter?” is Jesus letting Peter know His love for Peter far outweighs anything Peter did to Him in the worst moment of His Life!
The Lord’s mercy is as personal for us as for Peter. Look at the picture Jesus told St. Faustina to paint in the 1930s. The water, noted in white, which the priest blessed at our Baptism, isn’t just water from a tap.
It is the same water that flowed from the Heart of Jesus when the soldier pierced it with a lance. The blood, noted in red, is the Blood of Christ that flows from His side into the chalice on the altar we drink in Holy Communion.
What more can our God do to love us than show us His mercy when we are at our worst in sin? “Lord, have mercy on us who love you so little in return.” St. Faustina would say that all that is necessary is for us to leave the door of our hearts ajar, and God will do the rest. Let’s all give him that opportunity.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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2nd Sunday of Easter 2022 – 04-16-2023
Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 2nd Sunday of Easter 2022 – 04-16-2023
2nd Sunday of Easter Mercy Sunday 2023
John 20:19-31 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/041623.cfm
St. Thomas is a good friend. How often the Lord gently nudges us to step outside our bubble so we can live life to the Max? The word “unless” can become very familiar to us. “Unless I put my finger in the nail marks.”
Unless this happens or unless that happens, I will not believe.” “I am only comfortable when things are on my terms.” Well, my terms can become the same old routine.
It’s like Peter. Jesus appeared to the disciples three times, and they still didn’t believe Jesus rose from the dead. At one time, they thought He was a ghost. So, what does Peter do? He returns to his old routine and says, “I’m going fishing.”
The other disciples follow. I wonder how often someone drew close to the Lord and fell back on their old worldly routines and handling situations. “I’m going fishing.” Think about how many miracles the disciples witnessed over three years.
Think of seeing Jesus right in front of them; they still want to go fishing. Yet, all these remarkable, divine interventions in our human nature didn’t change Peter and the disciples; only one thing did the Lord’s mercy.
Jesus was the same with all the disciples as He is with us. He kept coming back to them, offering them Peace with Him. But it didn’t sink in for Peter until he made his 3-fold acceptance of Jesus’ mercy.
Peter denied Jesus 3 times after our Lord’s arrest. The question, “Do you love Me, Peter?” is Jesus letting Peter know His love for Peter far outweighs anything Peter did to Him in the worst moment of His Life!
The Lord’s mercy is as personal for us as for Peter. Look at the picture Jesus told St. Faustina to paint in the 1930s. The water, noted in white, which the priest blessed at our Baptism, isn’t just water from a tap.
It is the same water that flowed from the Heart of Jesus when the soldier pierced it with a lance. The blood, noted in red, is the Blood of Christ that flows from His side into the chalice on the altar we drink in Holy Communion.
What more can our God do to love us than show us His mercy when we are at our worst in sin? “Lord, have mercy on us who love you so little in return.” St. Faustina would say that all that is necessary is for us to leave the door of our hearts ajar, and God will do the rest. Let’s all give him that opportunity.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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