I spotted a magnifying glass on the kitchen counter as a kid. I noticed how it made small things bigger. To my surprise, I later discovered that a magnifying glass could make fire.
The sun’s beam could be intensified to the degree that it could burn whatever it touched. However, it lost its fire when I pulled the magnifying glass from the object toward me.
Our possessions are like a magnifying glass. When we pull our affection and love away from others to ourselves, our possessions lose their power to do a greater good.
Think about how God gave us our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths to love him first. Indeed we can’t love a variety of persons and created things at once, but we can only focus on one thing, God, others, or ourselves.
It can be dangerous to divide our hearts into compartments, some for God, some for others, and some for ourselves. When our love is divided, we love no one but ourselves. We ask, “What’s in it for me.?”
However, loving God first is like the magnifying glass that gathers all the sun’s rays into one beam. So, all our love for people and things is magnified into a powerful beam that increases our intensity to do good.
The man in the gospel put all his goods in one basket, his heart. There wasn’t any room left for anyone else. Loving God first makes our hearts so big that there is plenty of room to do good for others. Why? Because we have God’s heart that will always provide for ourselves and others.
Get out your magnifying glass and set God’s goodness ablaze.
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Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 18th Sunday in Week in Ordinary Time 07-31-2022
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022
Luke 12:13-21 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/073122.cfm
I spotted a magnifying glass on the kitchen counter as a kid. I noticed how it made small things bigger. To my surprise, I later discovered that a magnifying glass could make fire.
The sun’s beam could be intensified to the degree that it could burn whatever it touched. However, it lost its fire when I pulled the magnifying glass from the object toward me.
Our possessions are like a magnifying glass. When we pull our affection and love away from others to ourselves, our possessions lose their power to do a greater good.
Think about how God gave us our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths to love him first. Indeed we can’t love a variety of persons and created things at once, but we can only focus on one thing, God, others, or ourselves.
It can be dangerous to divide our hearts into compartments, some for God, some for others, and some for ourselves. When our love is divided, we love no one but ourselves. We ask, “What’s in it for me.?”
However, loving God first is like the magnifying glass that gathers all the sun’s rays into one beam. So, all our love for people and things is magnified into a powerful beam that increases our intensity to do good.
The man in the gospel put all his goods in one basket, his heart. There wasn’t any room left for anyone else. Loving God first makes our hearts so big that there is plenty of room to do good for others. Why? Because we have God’s heart that will always provide for ourselves and others.
Get out your magnifying glass and set God’s goodness ablaze.
Father Rick Pilger, I.C.
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