5th Sunday in Lent A March 26, 2023

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 5th Sunday in Lent A
March 26, 2023, 11:3-7;20-27;33b-45https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/032623.cfm

Drop Everything. We Have an Emergency.

You never know what will happen when you wake up in the morning. The Last Anointing is the Sacrament for the journey home to heaven. So often, I get a call when I’m in the middle of something and have to drop everything because someone is dying.

I was taught that the soul remains with the body for up to an hour, and some say only 15 minutes. It’s important that the person is anointed with the Sacrament of the dying. How many times has it brought peace to a person and their family? You can feel the presence of Jesus in everyone.

So why did Jesus wait four days before he came to Lazarus? He let Lazarus die. You would think that Jesus would go immediately and heal Lazarus. But he didn’t, and for a good reason.

There was something in Jesus that no one knew, and the raising of Lazarus revealed that Jesus is Lord even of death. Yes, he wept with Martha and Mary. He has compassion for us in our sorrow.

Gospel Challenge:

Do you have a prayer that Jesus hasn’t answered? Sit with Jesus and let Him hold your heavy heart. Let Him bear your suffering and pain with you. Communion with the Lord will prepare us to receive the answer Jesus gives to our prayer so we can bear it and live it.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


For your convenience, The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available every evening during Lent, starting on March 22 from 6-7 p.m., Monday through Friday, through Wed., April 5.

No confessions will be heard from Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday. Please take advantage of this opportunity. We will continue to have confessions on Saturdays from 3-4 p.m.

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