Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time,
February 12, 2023
Mark 5:20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/021223.cfm
The Real Presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of Marriage.
Today is World Marriage Sunday, and I want to share a witness with you today about the power of the Sacraments of the Church.
I baptized a baby immediately after birthing whose entire stomach cavity, organs, intestines, and all were above the esophagus.The moment the water touched the baby’s head, Iheard a voice inside my heart say, “This is my son and I love him.” In three days, that baby was utterly healthy without surgery.
I anointed a lady who died for 20 minutes from a massive heart attack. I started the prayers for the Last Blessing and heard inside, “Don’t pray these prayers. Pray the Anointing of the Sick prayers.” I did. Again, the moment the Holy Oil touched her head, she sat up and started talking. three months later I danced with her at a wedding reception.
Jesus is truly present in the Sacraments as He was in His Mother’s womb, in the crib at Bethlehem, and as He walked the streets of Galilee. In Baptism, the water from His side washes all sin from a person’s soul. In Reconciliation, His Precious Blood from His side washes clean the sinner’s soul.
St. Paul taught us that we are the Body of Christ. Man and wife are his hands and feet that serve each other, His will that puts the other’s needs before their own, and the eyes of mercy that looks past each other’s faults.
The New Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the Church is the 8th Sacrament. My married brothers and sisters, every part of your soul, mind, and body is the soul, mind, and body of Jesus for each other. Do all you can to honor and respect Him in your spouse.
The early Fathers of the Church taught us that we become what we eat at the Eucharist, the Body of Christ. Dare I go so far as to say that in the Sacrament of Marriage when you hold each other’s hands and look into each other’s eyes, you are holding the hands and looking into the eyes of Christ.
Gospel Challenge:
In the 4th Century, St. Augustine said, “Christ is with us. Are we with Him?” Stay close to Jesus, my friends. Pray together every night. Share your day in the prayer-filled presence of Jesus.
Finally, I am here if you have lost a spouse in a divorce or even death. I am your father and want you to know you never have to suffer alone. Come and tell me your story. Let us discover together what is the Lord’s plan for you. I promise you only good things from the heart of Jesus.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC |
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6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2023
Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time,
February 12, 2023
Mark 5:20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/021223.cfm
The Real Presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of Marriage.
Today is World Marriage Sunday, and I want to share a witness with you today about the power of the Sacraments of the Church.
I baptized a baby immediately after birthing whose entire stomach cavity, organs, intestines, and all were above the esophagus.The moment the water touched the baby’s head, Iheard a voice inside my heart say, “This is my son and I love him.” In three days, that baby was utterly healthy without surgery.
I anointed a lady who died for 20 minutes from a massive heart attack. I started the prayers for the Last Blessing and heard inside, “Don’t pray these prayers. Pray the Anointing of the Sick prayers.” I did. Again, the moment the Holy Oil touched her head, she sat up and started talking. three months later I danced with her at a wedding reception.
Jesus is truly present in the Sacraments as He was in His Mother’s womb, in the crib at Bethlehem, and as He walked the streets of Galilee. In Baptism, the water from His side washes all sin from a person’s soul. In Reconciliation, His Precious Blood from His side washes clean the sinner’s soul.
St. Paul taught us that we are the Body of Christ. Man and wife are his hands and feet that serve each other, His will that puts the other’s needs before their own, and the eyes of mercy that looks past each other’s faults.
The New Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the Church is the 8th Sacrament. My married brothers and sisters, every part of your soul, mind, and body is the soul, mind, and body of Jesus for each other. Do all you can to honor and respect Him in your spouse.
The early Fathers of the Church taught us that we become what we eat at the Eucharist, the Body of Christ. Dare I go so far as to say that in the Sacrament of Marriage when you hold each other’s hands and look into each other’s eyes, you are holding the hands and looking into the eyes of Christ.
Gospel Challenge:
In the 4th Century, St. Augustine said, “Christ is with us. Are we with Him?” Stay close to Jesus, my friends. Pray together every night. Share your day in the prayer-filled presence of Jesus.
Finally, I am here if you have lost a spouse in a divorce or even death. I am your father and want you to know you never have to suffer alone. Come and tell me your story. Let us discover together what is the Lord’s plan for you. I promise you only good things from the heart of Jesus.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC |
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