Father Rick’s One Minute Homily for Saturday, the 3rd Week in Lent – 03-26-2022



The parable of the Pharisee and tax collector is a classic. The Pharisee compares himself to the tax collector. In his mind, he is already a canonized saint in heaven. But, on the other hand, the tax collector is so aware of his unworthiness because of his sin; he cannot even raise his eyes to heaven. Watching movies and tv shows, we always go for the good guy. But in the gospel, the good guy is the fellow who was the bad guy. I love how Jesus turns the table on us.

 But, how often do we think and act like the Pharisee prayed and believe we are the good guy (righteous). We hear something evil someone does, and we condemn them in our thinking. “We are not like the tax collector in the back of the church,” so we think. How often do we pray for someone to change, but we are good and make excuses for nasty thoughts and things we do to others. 

So, let’s not be afraid if Jesus turns the table on us. He needs to cleanse our temple. Then, it will be fantastic when Jesus makes us righteous. Check out the confession times – Monday through Friday, 6 to 7 pm in the church – if you are ready.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC 



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