We have been reflecting on the impact of God’s Presence in our lives. When we spend time with Jesus every day in prayer, His Presence remains with us throughout the day. For example, I met a waiter on a cruise. We had a little chat the third time he brought me coffee, and I told him I was a priest. He was from the Philippines and a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was no longer just a waiter. We shook hands and had a great laugh, probably at the surprise that we were both members of the Knights.
What a difference it made when we knew we both shared something of the Presence of Jesus in each other. It moved very quickly from a pleasant human encounter to a joy that we both deeply felt. Jesus goes much deeper in our relationships. His divine Presence is in everyone, but everyone doesn’t know it. Sometimes we don’t know it either. We think thoughts and say things about each other that keep us from seeing and sharing the Presence of Jesus with those folks.
Go deep with Jesus inside, where those thoughts and emotions begin. That is not the fire He wants to ignite in us. They only lead to anger and division. We have enough of that in the world. We don’t need it in our hearts. It will just grow and spread to other people who cross us the wrong way. So nip it in the bud. Surrender it to Jesus. You will see those people in a whole new light. Remember our free will. We have to want it more than our divisive thoughts.
If that is too hard, choose to look past what upsets you about them. When you do, Jesus will unite your heart with His in them. This is the most profound love of Christ you can have for anyone. It is called mercy.
August 15, 2024, Luke 1:39-56https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/081524-Day.cfm Assumption Is A Big Welcome. Mother Mary assumed Jesus wholly and completely, even in his sufferings. And she still does
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Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 9, 2024, Matthew 17:24-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080924.cfm The Anointing of the Sick is a
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Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday 1st Week in Lent – 03-10-2022
Friday of the First Week of Lent | USCCB
We have been reflecting on the impact of God’s Presence in our lives. When we spend time with Jesus every day in prayer, His Presence remains with us throughout the day. For example, I met a waiter on a cruise. We had a little chat the third time he brought me coffee, and I told him I was a priest. He was from the Philippines and a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was no longer just a waiter. We shook hands and had a great laugh, probably at the surprise that we were both members of the Knights.
What a difference it made when we knew we both shared something of the Presence of Jesus in each other. It moved very quickly from a pleasant human encounter to a joy that we both deeply felt. Jesus goes much deeper in our relationships. His divine Presence is in everyone, but everyone doesn’t know it. Sometimes we don’t know it either. We think thoughts and say things about each other that keep us from seeing and sharing the Presence of Jesus with those folks.
Go deep with Jesus inside, where those thoughts and emotions begin. That is not the fire He wants to ignite in us. They only lead to anger and division. We have enough of that in the world. We don’t need it in our hearts. It will just grow and spread to other people who cross us the wrong way. So nip it in the bud. Surrender it to Jesus. You will see those people in a whole new light. Remember our free will. We have to want it more than our divisive thoughts.
If that is too hard, choose to look past what upsets you about them. When you do, Jesus will unite your heart with His in them. This is the most profound love of Christ you can have for anyone. It is called mercy.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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