Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday 3rd Week in Easter 2022 – 05-06-2022



I vividly remember a conversation I had during Covid with a good friend about the Real Presence of Jesus in a consecrated Host. He is a great person, generous, kind, and a faithful member of his protestant church.

Our topic was how we received communion. He said they have little bottles of grape juice and bread wafers all sealed up. They are set in the pews before the service. I said we use wine and bread that becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus at the Consecration at Mass. There was a gasp of air as he raised back.

Then, I said, the bread isn’t bread anymore but Jesus. He stood up, raised his hands, and said, “That’s it. No more discussion, and then changed the subject.

It reminded me of the people in the gospel today who walked away from Jesus when He said, “My Flesh is real Food, and My Blood is real Drink. Again, this makes me ask, like I mentioned yesterday, “Why me? Why do I have this faith and others can’t even bear to discuss the real Presence of Jesus in the Sacrament?”

I am happy I have that question. It makes me feel special, for sure. But more, it deepens my faith in the Real Presence, making me desire to spend more time in worship of Jesus in Adoration of Him in the Tabernacle. There are some things my head can’t grasp, but my heart can bear.

Do you believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? If you do, why do you? If you don’t, why don’t you? Go to Jesus in the Tabernacle and sit with those questions in your heart.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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