Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle, November 30, 2022

Father Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle, November 30, 2022
Matthew 4:18-22 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/113022.cfm
Please take a moment to read and pray over the gospel.

Jesus can call us even while we are fishing.

When Jesus called Andrew, he said, “Come after me. Andrew was fishing with his brother, Peter. But inside, he was longing for intimacy with God. Jesus knew that longing in Andrew. It’s interesting that Jesus’ attachment to Andrew wasn’t during a moment of prayer but happened while He was fishing, going about His work.

When Andrew left his prayer time, He never left God’s Presence, and that intimacy continued throughout his day. He recognized that voice from his prayer time when Jesus called him, and he left everything to follow Jesus.

Gospel Challenge:
When we leave Mass today, may we be generous, listen to His voice, and do what He tells us. His voice may come from the need of a neighbor, from a thought or inspiration, our imagination, or from something we hear or read. Whatever its source, follow that quiet inner voice, and you will always be surprised.


God bless you, my friends.

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.

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