I am sure I’m not the only one who changes the tv channel when a commercial I don’t like comes on. It could be about a product or someone I can’t entirely agree with what they’re saying. It’s tough not to be prejudiced. We can form opinions so quickly, many times without any facts.
St. Bartholomew was pretty much like us before his conversion to Jesus. When he heard the Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah, his immediate response was, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”
We must credit St. Bartholomew, who had a little opening in his heart to learn more about Jesus. But it wasn’t enough to hear what someone else thought about Jesus, and he had to meet Jesus himself. So, his buddy, Philip, introduced him to Jesus, and everything changed.
Jesus is not a historical figure we read about in a book. But the second Person of the Blessed Trinity who became one of us so He could be with us in all we experience. Let’s not base our opinion about Jesus on what others say but on our encounter with Him and His Word and Sacraments. We must “come and see” for ourselves.
I encourage you to sit with the gospel every day proclaimed at Mass. After you come into God’s presence, read it over once, pause, and read it prayerfully a second time. Notice how a phrase will strike you. Sit with it for a few minutes, and something will come to mind about your life.
Carry that Word with you throughout the day. You are living in the Presence of Jesus. Welcome to what Bartholomew experienced when he met Jesus.
November 10, 2024, Mark 12:38-44 https://bible.sccb.org/bible/readings/111024.com Two Small Coins – The Best Gift of All The woman’s two small coins touched Jesus’ heart so much
November 9, 2024, John 2:13-22 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/110924.cfm Zeal for Us Consumes Jesus. A temple is a sacred place where God resides for His people. Jesus was
November 8, 2024, Luke 16:1-8 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/110824.cfm Working Out I used to exercise at a gym with weights for many years, and I found it so
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Feast of St. Bartholomew August 8 2022
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute St. Bartholomew 08-24 -2022
Feast of St. Bartholomew 2022
John 1:45-51 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/082422.cfm
I am sure I’m not the only one who changes the tv channel when a commercial I don’t like comes on. It could be about a product or someone I can’t entirely agree with what they’re saying. It’s tough not to be prejudiced. We can form opinions so quickly, many times without any facts.
St. Bartholomew was pretty much like us before his conversion to Jesus. When he heard the Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah, his immediate response was, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”
We must credit St. Bartholomew, who had a little opening in his heart to learn more about Jesus. But it wasn’t enough to hear what someone else thought about Jesus, and he had to meet Jesus himself. So, his buddy, Philip, introduced him to Jesus, and everything changed.
Jesus is not a historical figure we read about in a book. But the second Person of the Blessed Trinity who became one of us so He could be with us in all we experience. Let’s not base our opinion about Jesus on what others say but on our encounter with Him and His Word and Sacraments. We must “come and see” for ourselves.
I encourage you to sit with the gospel every day proclaimed at Mass. After you come into God’s presence, read it over once, pause, and read it prayerfully a second time. Notice how a phrase will strike you. Sit with it for a few minutes, and something will come to mind about your life.
Carry that Word with you throughout the day. You are living in the Presence of Jesus. Welcome to what Bartholomew experienced when he met Jesus.
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