Anyone who bought a new car notices the “new car smell.” The only problem, the smell doesn’t last too long. Even the new feeling wears off after a while. Religion can get ho-hum as well. Jesus sensed God’s people lost the freshness of their relationship with God. For many people, rituals became old hat, something you just did.
Jesus came to breathe new life, His life into all the things we do to stay close to God and each other. For example, he told us, no one sews a piece of un-shrunken cloth on an old cloth. The new will tear away from the old, and the tear will get worse. Did you or anyone you know have a joint replacement? You must remove the old to put in the new.
Relationships need a shot in the arm from time to time, including marriages. What used to work doesn’t work anymore. So, what makes a “new cloth old?” Simply, our human love has limitations like the car, the house, and things created wear out.
Let’s not give up if our relationship with someone is wearing out. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Do your family relationships need a boost? What can you do differently at meals to stimulate the conversation, so you know each other that day?
How about the Lord? Try praying with your heart and not just your head when you come into the Lord’s presence. Tell Him what is really bugging you, or tell Him something you are grateful for. Let your feelings be your prayer. A new approach can change everything. PS don’t forget to pray before meals.
January 14, 2025, Mark 1:21-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011425.cfm Who Is My Teacher? By the time our junior and senior years rolled around in high school, we had
January 13, 2025, Mark 1:14-20 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011325.cfm SNAKES AND FOG CAN BE DANGEROUS. We really must give a hand to our firefighters in Brentwood, California. They
January 12, 2025, Luke 3:15-16, 21-22. https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011225.cfm I Wonder I wonder what my life would be like if my Mom and Dad didn’t ask the
January 11, 2025, Luke 5:12-16 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010822.cfm What Do You Consider Worthwhile? Some things you hear strike you to the core, and you never forget them.
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday – 01-17-2022
Monday 2nd Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Mark 2:18-22 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011722.cfm
Anyone who bought a new car notices the “new car smell.” The only problem, the smell doesn’t last too long. Even the new feeling wears off after a while. Religion can get ho-hum as well. Jesus sensed God’s people lost the freshness of their relationship with God. For many people, rituals became old hat, something you just did.
Jesus came to breathe new life, His life into all the things we do to stay close to God and each other. For example, he told us, no one sews a piece of un-shrunken cloth on an old cloth. The new will tear away from the old, and the tear will get worse. Did you or anyone you know have a joint replacement? You must remove the old to put in the new.
Relationships need a shot in the arm from time to time, including marriages. What used to work doesn’t work anymore. So, what makes a “new cloth old?” Simply, our human love has limitations like the car, the house, and things created wear out.
Let’s not give up if our relationship with someone is wearing out. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Do your family relationships need a boost? What can you do differently at meals to stimulate the conversation, so you know each other that day?
How about the Lord? Try praying with your heart and not just your head when you come into the Lord’s presence. Tell Him what is really bugging you, or tell Him something you are grateful for. Let your feelings be your prayer. A new approach can change everything. PS don’t forget to pray before meals.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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January 14, 2025, Mark 1:21-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011425.cfm Who Is My Teacher? By the time our junior and senior years rolled around in high school, we had
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