Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Tuesday – 02-22-2022

Tuesday Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle 2022
Matthew 16:13-19


A majority of us have taken vows. Perhaps you have taken a vow in marriage to God and your spouse. I have taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to Jesus and my religious community. I took a vow of obedience to the Bishop. These vows mark a point in our history where we commit ourselves to a person or people for better or worse. I feel the strength of that commitment to the Lord in difficult times.

When we make these vows in Church, I want to say that these commitments are bound up in Peter’s commitment to Jesus in Capernaum. “Who do you say I am (to you)?” “We answer with St. Peter, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God..” In the Creed at Mass, we renew that commitment to Jesus: “I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God.

For me, I need to renew that commitment to Jesus every day. We all need Jesus to be our Rock, so when the gates of the netherworld break in upon us to destroy our relationships, they don’t have a chance. Jesus puts in us a love for Him and people, even enemies, so we know they come before anything else.

Perhaps you need the strength of Jesus to remain faithful to Him and others when something has hurt you. Stand tall with Jesus. He is a big Rock inside of you! In tough times, I take a cross in my hand and embrace His love for me and others when His suffering was at its worst. It amazes me how I can change so quickly and want to embrace someone I thought was my enemy. That is how we can become a Rock with Jesus and St. Peter. Remember, the gates of hell will never prevail against us.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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