We go out of our way to help the disabled. It may seem strange to us that people in today’s Gospel would not let the paralytic see Jesus. In the Mediterranean mindset, people would have nothing to do with the person with paralysis.
Paralysis or any illness results from personal sin; no one can do anything about that, so why bother with the person with paralysis? Ignore him.
The friends who carried him to Jesus did care. They didn’t judge him. They brought him to Jesus. Neither did Jesus ignore him. One of God’s children was hurting, and Jesus would not let that continue. He healed the whole person, body, and soul. He did not sit in judgment of the man. We must ask ourselves, who is the most helpless: the man who couldn’t walk or the people who couldn’t move from judgment to mercy?
Gospel Challenge:
Perhaps it’s time to ask for forgiveness of our sins and for the light of the Holy Spirit to reveal how we sit in the judgment of other people.
Please, God, His mercy in us will help us open the doorways of our Church as wide as the Lord opens our hearts.
August 15, 2024, Luke 1:39-56https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/081524-Day.cfm Assumption Is A Big Welcome. Mother Mary assumed Jesus wholly and completely, even in his sufferings. And she still does
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr August 10, 2023, John 12:24-26 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/081024.cfm The Man Whose Heart Is Firm
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 9, 2024, Matthew 17:24-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080924.cfm The Anointing of the Sick is a
Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 7, 2024, Matthew 15:21-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080724.cfm Jesus Refuses No One. Why do some prayers
Friday, 1st Week in Ordinary Time, January 13, 2023
Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Friday, 1st Week in Ordinary Time, January 13, 2023
Mark 2:1-12 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011323.cfm
Strange How No One Helped Him.
We go out of our way to help the disabled. It may seem strange to us that people in today’s Gospel would not let the paralytic see Jesus. In the Mediterranean mindset, people would have nothing to do with the person with paralysis.
Paralysis or any illness results from personal sin; no one can do anything about that, so why bother with the person with paralysis? Ignore him.
The friends who carried him to Jesus did care. They didn’t judge him. They brought him to Jesus. Neither did Jesus ignore him. One of God’s children was hurting, and Jesus would not let that continue. He healed the whole person, body, and soul. He did not sit in judgment of the man. We must ask ourselves, who is the most helpless: the man who couldn’t walk or the people who couldn’t move from judgment to mercy?
Gospel Challenge:
Perhaps it’s time to ask for forgiveness of our sins and for the light of the Holy Spirit to reveal how we sit in the judgment of other people.
Please, God, His mercy in us will help us open the doorways of our Church as wide as the Lord opens our hearts.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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