Every parish has different levels of commitment to Jesus and the Church. There is an old understanding of the Church that worked for centuries but now needs to change. In short, Some people see the clergy, religious, and some laity as gifted to “do everything.” The thought that Mass once a week suffices.
However, recent popes have renewed an old understanding of the Church. All the baptized share in the mission of bringing Jesus to the world. Some people in today’s gospel were not only attracted to Jesus but deeply committed to Him. This commitment included women who knew and loved Jesus so closely that they surrendered everything to him, including their finances.
St. Luke names a couple of these women: Mary Magdeline, whom Jesus cast out seven demons, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza. Chuza was in charge of Herod’s financial affairs. He would be the most trusted and important official to the king. Could there be any more opposites: a lady of the night and a lady of the court in the same company day in and day out?
Two completely different people with different makeups and backgrounds love Jesus so much that they put aside their differences without losing any of their qualities. GK Chesterton commented on this idea. He referred them to the lion lying down with the lamb from the book of Isaiah (11:6).
The division in our society is growing so fast, beyond our control. However, it is not beyond the control of the people of our parishes who are deeply committed to Jesus and each other. I can’t just sit back and watch society continue to fall away from the Lord. Can you?
August 15, 2024, Luke 1:39-56https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/081524-Day.cfm Assumption Is A Big Welcome. Mother Mary assumed Jesus wholly and completely, even in his sufferings. And she still does
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr August 10, 2023, John 12:24-26 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/081024.cfm The Man Whose Heart Is Firm
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 9, 2024, Matthew 17:24-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080924.cfm The Anointing of the Sick is a
Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 7, 2024, Matthew 15:21-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080724.cfm Jesus Refuses No One. Why do some prayers
Friday 24th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Friday 24th Week in Ordinary Time 09-16-2022
Friday 24th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Luke 8:1-3 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/091622.cfm
Every parish has different levels of commitment to Jesus and the Church. There is an old understanding of the Church that worked for centuries but now needs to change. In short, Some people see the clergy, religious, and some laity as gifted to “do everything.” The thought that Mass once a week suffices.
However, recent popes have renewed an old understanding of the Church. All the baptized share in the mission of bringing Jesus to the world. Some people in today’s gospel were not only attracted to Jesus but deeply committed to Him. This commitment included women who knew and loved Jesus so closely that they surrendered everything to him, including their finances.
St. Luke names a couple of these women: Mary Magdeline, whom Jesus cast out seven demons, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza. Chuza was in charge of Herod’s financial affairs. He would be the most trusted and important official to the king. Could there be any more opposites: a lady of the night and a lady of the court in the same company day in and day out?
Two completely different people with different makeups and backgrounds love Jesus so much that they put aside their differences without losing any of their qualities. GK Chesterton commented on this idea. He referred them to the lion lying down with the lamb from the book of Isaiah (11:6).
The division in our society is growing so fast, beyond our control. However, it is not beyond the control of the people of our parishes who are deeply committed to Jesus and each other. I can’t just sit back and watch society continue to fall away from the Lord. Can you?
Father Rick Pilger, I.C.
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