Friday 31st Week in Ordinary Time November 10, 2023

Father Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Friday 31st Week in Ordinary Time
November 10, 2023, Luke 16:1-8


During November, we pray for the souls in purgatory.

I used to exercise at a gym with weights for many years, and I found it so much easier to remain faithful to working out with a buddy. Then, after several surgeries on my shoulders and knees, using weights was not advisable by my surgeon. Staying loyal to exercise at home is more difficult because life is distracting.

Sometimes, our relationship with the Lord can be like working out. We get distracted and sometimes forget to be with Him. It can be like the steward in the gospel. He was not loyal to his employer because he lacked a personal relationship with the man.

So he proceeded to look after himself and write off what he made to his master’s debtors so he would not have to beg for a living. Jesus said that man was prudent in the world’s view. But children of the light who are in a relationship with the Lord have a better way.

Once Jesus has your heart, you can’t walk away from Him, and you can’t make excuses to stay away from Him, especially in daily prayer and celebration of the Sacraments. We must write ourselves a promissory note and let go of the decision to put stuff before our love for the Lord.

Gospel Challenge:
Take some time away from everything and be with Jesus in your heart. Ask Him what small step you can take to get back into a relationship with Him. When you take that step, the next one will be easier. Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor is a loving relationship with the Lord Jesus.

Peace be with you.


Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.

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