After my adoration every morning, I end with the benediction and the blessing. One of the people I bless with Jesus are people who no longer practice their Catholic Faith and are not personally handing the Faith on to their children. There is no judgment here, only mercy. I pray the Lord touches them and lets them know how near He is to them.
They came to mind when I prayed over the gospel today. Jesus tells the Pharisees that his disciples do not fast while He is with them. But they will fast when He is taken away. So, I realized He is never taken away from our friends who don’t meet with us on Sunday. Perhaps they no longer perceive His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament and other Sacraments, or they have another reason.
Indeed, they still believe. Their prayers and works of mercy, and other Catholic practices are in their life. But they don’t see Jesus in His Body and Blood on the altar at Mass. Of course, these are only assumptions on my part. I am so happy when I have the opportunity to listen to their story. It is good to understand their relationship with the Lord and the Church and love them there.
So, I fast for them and invite you to fast for someone who chose not to receive Jesus in Word and Sacrament on the Lord’s Day. When we fast, we give something of ourselves to the Lord to benefit the person for whom we fast. Jesus knows the day and hour when He will reveal Himself to them and let them know He never left them.
August 15, 2024, Luke 1:39-56 Assumption Is A Big Welcome. Mother Mary assumed Jesus wholly and completely, even in his sufferings. And she still does
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Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 9, 2024, Matthew 17:24-28 The Anointing of the Sick is a
Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 7, 2024, Matthew 15:21-28 Jesus Refuses No One. Why do some prayers
Friday after Ash Wednesday – March 24, 2023
Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday after Ash Wednesday – March 24, 2023
Luke 9:14-15
After my adoration every morning, I end with the benediction and the blessing. One of the people I bless with Jesus are people who no longer practice their Catholic Faith and are not personally handing the Faith on to their children. There is no judgment here, only mercy. I pray the Lord touches them and lets them know how near He is to them.
They came to mind when I prayed over the gospel today. Jesus tells the Pharisees that his disciples do not fast while He is with them. But they will fast when He is taken away. So, I realized He is never taken away from our friends who don’t meet with us on Sunday. Perhaps they no longer perceive His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament and other Sacraments, or they have another reason.
Indeed, they still believe. Their prayers and works of mercy, and other Catholic practices are in their life. But they don’t see Jesus in His Body and Blood on the altar at Mass. Of course, these are only assumptions on my part. I am so happy when I have the opportunity to listen to their story. It is good to understand their relationship with the Lord and the Church and love them there.
So, I fast for them and invite you to fast for someone who chose not to receive Jesus in Word and Sacrament on the Lord’s Day. When we fast, we give something of ourselves to the Lord to benefit the person for whom we fast. Jesus knows the day and hour when He will reveal Himself to them and let them know He never left them.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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