As we walk to the tomb with Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, our thoughts are bouncing off the walls of our brains. So much has happened in the last couple of days. We need this Saturday to take it all in.
Our hearts, too, are filled with sorrow. If we only could have done more for Jesus. Why did He have to suffer, hanging on the Cross? We don’t understand. But out of the blue comes the words Jesus repeatedly said, “The Son of Man will rise from the dead.” It’s like a glimmer of hope carries us to the tomb.
Will we ever hear His voice again? And what about all the miracles He worked? We heard Him say on the Cross, “It is finished.” Is it? Is it all finished?
We need some quiet time today to contemplate how it all fits together. We need this time with Mary to leave behind what we don’t know and understand, so we can listen to what gives us hope, “The Son of Man will rise.”
Gospel Challenge:
We choose to sit quietly and wait in expectation for how Jesus wishes to reveal Himself to us. Like the women at the tomb, we may not recognize Jesus or see Him like we always did. All we can do is wait for that moment when Jesus will meet us on our way to tell others, “He is alive, in me, in you. Jesus lives.”
Keep a prayer-filled silence today to be prepared to meet the Lord Jesus in a most incredible way.
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I know You Are Seeking Jesus?
As we walk to the tomb with Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, our thoughts are bouncing off the walls of our brains. So much has happened in the last couple of days. We need this Saturday to take it all in.
Our hearts, too, are filled with sorrow. If we only could have done more for Jesus. Why did He have to suffer, hanging on the Cross? We don’t understand. But out of the blue comes the words Jesus repeatedly said, “The Son of Man will rise from the dead.” It’s like a glimmer of hope carries us to the tomb.
Will we ever hear His voice again? And what about all the miracles He worked? We heard Him say on the Cross, “It is finished.” Is it? Is it all finished?
We need some quiet time today to contemplate how it all fits together. We need this time with Mary to leave behind what we don’t know and understand, so we can listen to what gives us hope, “The Son of Man will rise.”
Gospel Challenge:
We choose to sit quietly and wait in expectation for how Jesus wishes to reveal Himself to us. Like the women at the tomb, we may not recognize Jesus or see Him like we always did. All we can do is wait for that moment when Jesus will meet us on our way to tell others, “He is alive, in me, in you. Jesus lives.”
Keep a prayer-filled silence today to be prepared to meet the Lord Jesus in a most incredible way.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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