I can’t criticize or judge people until I walk in their shoes and experience all that they experience. In his goodness, God has allowed me to meet people who are lax in practicing their faith for one reason or another. I learned early on in my priesthood that telling people what they need to do isn’t enough. It just turns them off from the Church.
When I meet a married couple who wants to get married in the Church or have the child baptized, I get to know them first. I learn about them, and they learn about me. Then I listen as they share experiences of their life. And from those experiences, I point out how wise and healthy the teachings of the gospel and the Church can benefit their family life.
It is all the grace of God and wonderful to behold to watch the faith they received in baptism come to life. So, in today’s gospel, Jesus brought Peter’s faith to life. The Temple tax collectors asked Peter if Jesus paid the temple tax. Children of the King do not pay taxes. Only subjects do.
So as not to offend his questioner, Jesus told Peter to go fishing without bait. The first fish he caught would have a coin in its mouth to pay the temple tax for Jesus and Peter. Up to this point, Jesus did not have the trust of the collectors of the temple tax. Because Jesus respected their relationship and wanted to keep it growing, He paid the temple tax, working a little miracle.
Remember, people come first before anything else is created. We don’t want to win arguments and lose people. Perhaps you know someone who is not practicing their Catholic faith. Ask the Lord to give you opportunities to get to know them. When the trust builds between you and them, Jesus will start working all the Lord’s miracles, and you will catch more than fish.
August 15, 2024, Luke 1:39-56https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/081524-Day.cfm Assumption Is A Big Welcome. Mother Mary assumed Jesus wholly and completely, even in his sufferings. And she still does
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Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 9, 2024, Matthew 17:24-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080924.cfm The Anointing of the Sick is a
Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time August 7, 2024, Matthew 15:21-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080724.cfm Jesus Refuses No One. Why do some prayers
Monday 19th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday 19th Week in Ordinary Time 08-07-2022
Monday 19th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Matthew 17:22-27 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/080822.cfm
I can’t criticize or judge people until I walk in their shoes and experience all that they experience. In his goodness, God has allowed me to meet people who are lax in practicing their faith for one reason or another. I learned early on in my priesthood that telling people what they need to do isn’t enough. It just turns them off from the Church.
When I meet a married couple who wants to get married in the Church or have the child baptized, I get to know them first. I learn about them, and they learn about me. Then I listen as they share experiences of their life. And from those experiences, I point out how wise and healthy the teachings of the gospel and the Church can benefit their family life.
It is all the grace of God and wonderful to behold to watch the faith they received in baptism come to life. So, in today’s gospel, Jesus brought Peter’s faith to life. The Temple tax collectors asked Peter if Jesus paid the temple tax. Children of the King do not pay taxes. Only subjects do.
So as not to offend his questioner, Jesus told Peter to go fishing without bait. The first fish he caught would have a coin in its mouth to pay the temple tax for Jesus and Peter. Up to this point, Jesus did not have the trust of the collectors of the temple tax. Because Jesus respected their relationship and wanted to keep it growing, He paid the temple tax, working a little miracle.
Remember, people come first before anything else is created. We don’t want to win arguments and lose people. Perhaps you know someone who is not practicing their Catholic faith. Ask the Lord to give you opportunities to get to know them. When the trust builds between you and them, Jesus will start working all the Lord’s miracles, and you will catch more than fish.
Father Rick Pilger, I.C.
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