When teaching, I have asked a question to see if the audience is with me, and no one raises their hand. It leaves an empty feeling inside. Jesus had the same experience. He repeats Himself in today’s gospel because people are not connecting with Him.
They don’t know Him. People sought a sign from Jesus to see if He was the Messiah. Feeding 5,000 with a few loaves and a couple of fish wasn’t enough. Healing and raising people from the dead wasn’t enough to put their faith in Him.
That’s it! Faith! God’s gift to us in His Son is bigger than anything we can put in a box or any healing or miracle we can experience. Yet, of all the things that Jesus could give us and leave for us to this day, He gives us Himself in Holy Communion. He takes a tiny white wafer of bread and says, “This is My Body.” Incredible. He calls us to faith as he called the people to faith who asked for a sign on that day over two millennia ago.
THE GOSPEL CHALLENGE: How often have we asked Jesus for “something” in prayer? Sure, it is good and right to ask for God’s help. “Ask,” Jesus said, “and you will receive.” Our challenge today is not to seek a sign for something we need. Before you ask, visit the Chapel and enter the Lord’s Real Presence in the Tabernacle. Take a few moments and relax with Him before you ask.
Then, feel your need in your heart and lay it in his hand. Sit with him and let him hold that need for you. When you leave the Chapel, trust that only good will come your way. As he told us repeatedly, “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be given to you” (Luke 12: 31.) The Kingdom of God always begins with Jesus. He is God’s sign to life in all its fullness. Go to Him.
IGNITE THE FIRE. God bless you, my friends. Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
Pastor www.bscchurch.com
October 9, 2024, Luke 11:1-4 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/100924.cfm Prayer – More Than What We Ask of God. The disciples noticed that Jesus prayed far differently than they
October 8, 2024, Mark 10:38-42 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/100824.cfm So Many Things. It’s easy to imagine Martha going over her grocery list the night before Jesus came to
October 7, 2024, Luke 10:25-37 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/100724.cfm You Have Got To Be Kidding Or We Understand “Lord Jesus, help me!” Prayed a priest on his way
October 6, 2024, Mark 10:2-16 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/100624.cfm “It’s in our DNA.” Only God would ask us to do something that only He can do: love each
Monday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time, October 16, 2023
Fr Rick’s Two-Minute Gospel Reflection for Monday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time
October 16, 2023, Luke 11:29-32
When teaching, I have asked a question to see if the audience is with me, and no one raises their hand. It leaves an empty feeling inside. Jesus had the same experience. He repeats Himself in today’s gospel because people are not connecting with Him.
They don’t know Him. People sought a sign from Jesus to see if He was the Messiah. Feeding 5,000 with a few loaves and a couple of fish wasn’t enough. Healing and raising people from the dead wasn’t enough to put their faith in Him.
That’s it! Faith! God’s gift to us in His Son is bigger than anything we can put in a box or any healing or miracle we can experience. Yet, of all the things that Jesus could give us and leave for us to this day, He gives us Himself in Holy Communion. He takes a tiny white wafer of bread and says, “This is My Body.” Incredible. He calls us to faith as he called the people to faith who asked for a sign on that day over two millennia ago.
How often have we asked Jesus for “something” in prayer? Sure, it is good and right to ask for God’s help. “Ask,” Jesus said, “and you will receive.” Our challenge today is not to seek a sign for something we need. Before you ask, visit the Chapel and enter the Lord’s Real Presence in the Tabernacle. Take a few moments and relax with Him before you ask.
Then, feel your need in your heart and lay it in his hand. Sit with him and let him hold that need for you. When you leave the Chapel, trust that only good will come your way. As he told us repeatedly, “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be given to you” (Luke 12: 31.) The Kingdom of God always begins with Jesus. He is God’s sign to life in all its fullness. Go to Him.
God bless you, my friends. Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
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