Monday, 6th Week in Easter May 15, 2023

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday, 6th Week in Easter

May 15, 2023, John 15:26-16:4a

No More Waiting

Anyone with a shoulder or knee replacement knows it doesn’t come immediately. Sometimes doctors try other surgeries and therapies before the joint replacement, followed by months of treatment; it can be up to six months to a year before you fully recover.

Imagine what it would be like to ask, and the pain would be gone. Life in the Spirit is like that. Surrendering everything and waiting to see what God will do next.

Jesus promised He would send His Holy Spirit from His Father. We receive Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation and often think, that’s it. In truth, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit, our Advocate, every moment in every situation we encounter throughout the day.

God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit do this because they do not want us to live a moment without them. Like any parent or guardian, our Father will protect us from danger. No cross will be too heavy to bear and no task too difficult to perform with our Advocate at our side. He is almighty!

Gospel Challenge:

Pray, “Come to Holy Spirit” in any situation. At that moment, the world moved out of your heart, and Jesus filled you with God’s utter fullness.

What are you facing now that is impossible for you but not for Jesus? Keep praying from your heart, “Come, Holy Spirit.” God, in His Providence, will give you His very best. It’s that simple.

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC    

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