October 19, 2021, Tuesday 29th Week of Ordinary Time

Is your security system up to date?

Luke 10:1-9
Please open your Scriptures and read these verses prayerfully.

Home Security Cameras Market to Surpass $9.7 Billion By 2023


Over the past decade, people have gone to great expense to keep their families, homes, and belongings safe. It’s a vast industry, and rightly so. We know the increase in drug abuse and violence has contributed to this problem in our society quite a bit. Some people don’t care who they hurt and what consequences their actions can have on a family and even town. After inquiring if there are any injuries, an officer will ask, “Do you have a security system.” What a help that is to their investigation.

Jesus has his security system for our wellbeing and, ultimately, salvation. Guess what? He paid that colossal amount in full on the cross. Yes. It’s free! How much would any of us pay to get that security?

The Gospel Challenge:

Like anyone concerned about our wellbeing, Jesus warns us to “Watch and pray.” We spoke a bit yesterday about being blindsided by something that is out of our control. It is no fun when this happens. So how do we “Watch” and “Pray.” Without fail, we turn on our alarm system at night and when we leave our home. We put out signs, so people know we mean business. Don’t dare try anything. We will see you.

Well, watching with Jesus is no different. The camera and equipment are there, ready for us to turn on. A simple good morning when we climb out of bed. Jesus is a great start. I give this task to you, Jesus, when you start something new, even washing dishes. It’s an acknowledgment that we are present to Jesus. “Watch what he does when we invite him into our everyday life! Today, our challenge is to make a note to ask Jesus to be with us when we start something. It’s a lot cheaper than 9.7 Billion dollars.

God bless you, my friends.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I. C.


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