October 2, 2021, Saturday Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
The Buddy System
Someone I know was in a severe car accident on Seminole Blvd by the water tower. They said, “Our car was hit and turned upside down. I was hanging in the seatbelt upside down. When I opened my eyes, I could see the wings of an angel pushing the glass away from us.” One of our parishioners drove by, not knowing who it was, and said to her children, “Pray for them, I don’t think they made it.” The mother named her angel Raphael.
Today we honor our Guardian Angels. All our young children in our school have an older student to mentor them. They are “buddies.” I told the children at Mass that our Buddy System at Blessed Sacrament isn’t a new idea. From our first parents, God has given us a buddy we call our Guardian Angels.
The gospel challenge: Jesus said, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”
Right now, at this moment, our Guardian Angel is looking on the face of our heavenly Father. Think about it. They know what is best for us, whatever we are doing, and they can help us. A simple thought of them makes them present to us to inspire us to be our very best. God’s love commits them “here” (Angel of God prayer). Turn to them throughout the day. You will get everything good from our heavenly Father. They are the best of buddies.
January 14, 2025, Mark 1:21-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011425.cfm Who Is My Teacher? By the time our junior and senior years rolled around in high school, we had
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October 2, 2021, Saturday Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
The Buddy System
Someone I know was in a severe car accident on Seminole Blvd by the water tower. They said, “Our car was hit and turned upside down. I was hanging in the seatbelt upside down. When I opened my eyes, I could see the wings of an angel pushing the glass away from us.” One of our parishioners drove by, not knowing who it was, and said to her children, “Pray for them, I don’t think they made it.” The mother named her angel Raphael.
Today we honor our Guardian Angels. All our young children in our school have an older student to mentor them. They are “buddies.” I told the children at Mass that our Buddy System at Blessed Sacrament isn’t a new idea. From our first parents, God has given us a buddy we call our Guardian Angels.
The gospel challenge: Jesus said, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”
Right now, at this moment, our Guardian Angel is looking on the face of our heavenly Father. Think about it. They know what is best for us, whatever we are doing, and they can help us. A simple thought of them makes them present to us to inspire us to be our very best. God’s love commits them “here” (Angel of God prayer). Turn to them throughout the day. You will get everything good from our heavenly Father. They are the best of buddies.
IGNITE THE FIRE. God bless you, my friends.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
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