Saturday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2022

Fr. Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Saturday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2022

Luke 12:8-12
Please open your Scriptures and read these verses prayerfully.

The unforgivable sin.

Blaspheming against the Holy Spirit is a sin that Jesus says could never be forgiven. However, sins against the Son of Man, Jesus, can be forgiven because our knowledge of Jesus and our relationship with Jesus can be at many different levels. Please, God, we are all doing our best to grow a deeper relationship with him daily.

All sin offends our Lord and can be forgiven when we repent. Moments before Jesus died on the Cross, He said, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.” Welcoming His mercy is the fruit of His sufferings. It took everything He had to forgive us. A simple thought could have forgiven us. Amazing how much Jesus love us.

To know this truth fully and yet deliberately choose to reject God’s mercy is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, # 1864). The Holy Spirit is the Perfect Love of Jesus that fills our souls when we are forgiven.

The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with the sorrow and grief that Jesus experiences when we sin. It is something very personal. So, if we ever fail Jesus, take comfort that He will always have mercy on us. The person who deliberately chooses to deny his mercy will never receive his mercy, and their heart is closed.

The Gospel Challenge:
Make a sacrifice and pray for someone who has made this decision. May your prayer help soften every heart that turns its back on God’s Mercy.

God bless you, my friends.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.

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