Thursday, 27th Week in Ordinary Time October 11, 2023

Fr. Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Thursday, 27th Week in Ordinary Time

October 11, 2023, Luke 11:5-13


 “And I tell you, ask, and you will receive.” The Baseball pennant race has started set for the playoffs. How many prayers and fans will say a prayer before and during the game? How often do we pray for stuff, not people, including ourselves? People ask me to pray for them or someone practically every day. And I do, every morning before the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. I mention their name(s) and consider the person and their need.

Think of a child who is a little hungry and asks Mommy for a snack half an hour before dinner. Mommy says, “No,” not because she’s depriving her child. On the contrary, she doesn’t want them to spoil their dinner. The child asks for so little when Mommy wants to give them much more. God is no different. He is not a genie. He is a Father who can only give us good things, even if we don’t know what they are.

 The Gospel Challenge:  “Lord, I want this healing, car, job, good grade. How about it?” When I ask for “something,” even for days, I draw nearer to God because I know I need Him. He brings the best out in me when I am in His Presence. I thank Him for the need so we can be together.

Are you asking for something you don’t just want but need? Go to prayer. Talk to your Father from your heart. Feel that need and see yourself placing it in His hands. The Lord becomes more important than all my needs when I do this. My heart and mind are open to listening and seeing God working in life’s events. Sure enough, He gives much more than we ask Him to do.

Set a time today on your calendar when you and God can tackle that need “TOGETHER.” Then, do it.

Ignite the Fire

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.


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