Tuesday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, November 22, 2022

Father Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Tuesday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, November 22, 2022
Luke 21: 5-11 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/112222.cfm
Please take a moment to read and pray over the gospel.

Where is God’s Sanctuary?

This gospel reminds me of Jesus telling us not to worry about what we eat and drink; life is more than food. Nor are we to worry about what we are to wear. The creation of this world and the stuff we rely on is never permanent. Think of the fire that struck the Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris in 2019. Everyone was shocked, as were the people who heard Jesus speak about the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple.

The temple was the center of their religion, and they couldn’t imagine how God would allow its destruction. We must recall that the human soul is the only part of creation that permanently lives beyond death. We become God’s temple in our baptism and feed His life in us through our faithful celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacraments.

God’s chosen to be present to us through these seven Sacred Mysteries of the Church. We must be careful not to do anything that would destroy our temple in the presence of God in us.

Gospel Challenge:
Spend a few moments with the Lord in the quietness of your heart and ask him how he wants you to honor His Presence in your temple. Be sure to follow where he leads you.


God bless you, my friends.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.

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