Wednesday 2nd Week in Easter April 10, 2024

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday 2nd Week in Easter

April 10, 2024, John 3: 16-21


The word “everyone” caught my attention immediately when I read the first line of the gospel today. Then I thought of people I would be meeting today. Some of those encounters will be enjoyable, and some will be challenging in one way or another.

Jesus said in today’s gospel, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone who believes might not perish but might have eternal life.” That is His intention for everyone we meet today. I can’t deal with many people, like everyone in the world. But I can ask Jesus to give me His intention to love each individual I meet today, no matter how brief that may be.

It’s like examining my conscience upside down; instead of looking back at my blessings and sins of the day, I look forward with a purity of intention. How refreshing it is to start each encounter with love in your heart. So, I decided to visualize that person as the happiest they could be. This visualization isn’t thinking about the person. It’s sitting back and watching them be joyful and content, like watching a movie. I am amazed at how different I feel about the person after the visualization than I did before it. Then, I want what is best for the person and keep looking for it until I find it.

Gospel Challenge:
This visualization is not imagination. It’s not wishful thinking. It’s repentance, a turning around a heart and mindset from something that can harm me and someone else. But it is possible every time because God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to love that person through you and me. Believe it. I do. It beats feeling ugly inside, filled with tension, stress, and anger. And remember, yes, Jesus loves us in those nasty moments as well.

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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