Wednesday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time, January 25, 2023

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Wednesday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time, January 25, 2023

Mark 4:1-20 Celebrating Conversion of St. Paul This Year 2023

Life Is Not A Daydream.

Suffering seems like such a waste of time and energy. It can be an illness, a tragedy of some description. I have had my share of hospitals, surgeries, time off work, and everything else. My joints keep giving out on me.

I find comfort and even strength in the Parable of the Sower. It’s incredible the interaction between the seed and good mother earth. Even if it is fertile, the ground can do nothing on its own, and neither can the seed. But a little miracle occurs when the seed is planted in the ground.

It is what happens when the Father places His Son in a relationship with us. After the growth period of weeding, watering, and fertilizing, the fruits it beats are remarkable. How blessed we are to be on that fertile ground. If you fear you are not, but perhaps rocky or thorny or a path, please know that underneath all that mess is fertile ground.

The discipline of the Lord is the saving Passion of Jesus. He comes along with the plow of His Cross and digs up all that is choking and killing His love for you.

Gospel Challenge:

Should you experience that cross, don’t resist it. Have hope. Take courage. The sower will let His Son suffer for you until He hits the fertile ground. Amen.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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