Wednesday, 4th Week in Easter April 24, 2024

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Wednesday, 4th Week in Easter

April 24, 2024, John 12:44-50   

The Light Changes Everything

The world is full of darkness. Just turn on the news, and we see the horrible effects of darkness. Darkness can be personal, and fear, anxiety, and the impact of sinful choices all bring darkness home. Grief is immense darkness that pays a heavy toll on us. 

My Dad was my best friend. Mom was, too, in a particular way.

So when I heard that Dad had died from a massive heart attack, my legs gave out, and I fell. I had the common experience of life stopping in its tracks. For days, I was in a fog. 

Then, something happened at his funeral Mass that changed me completely. I put my hand on his casket and started my homily, saying, “Dad, you were always there for us. It was never about you, but you always put others first. I want to do for you what you did for us all your life. All I want is your happiness. Dad, I love you so much; I don’t want you back.” 

When I said that, I felt all the grief and sadness drain out of me from head to toe. I smiled and said to Dad in my heart, “You are doing it again.” The effect on me was the difference between night and day. The darkness in my heart was gone, and so was all the sadness. 

Jesus said,”I came into the world as light so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness.”

Gospel Challenge:
Jesus, the Light, came to me through my Dad. Have you had any experience of living in the darkness? What was it? Are you still in the night of life? You are not alone. Jesus is experiencing all you are going through. He is listening to every sigh and wiping every tear. Acknowledge Him and put your heart in His healing Hand. Keep it there, and someone will come along, or you will say something from your heart as I did.  

We believe in Jesus when we make life personal with Him.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC    


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