Daily Mass Resumption

Bishop Parkes has granted permission to resume daily mass (his letter can be read at Bishop’s letter .

Your pastoral team has been working diligently to provide for your Sacramental and spiritual needs, as well as your physical safety. To that end, we have established the following rules and guidelines for the resumption of daily mass on May 11, 2020.

  1. There will be one daily mass at 8:00am. The mass will be offered Monday through Saturday. At this time there will not be Sunday mass. Be assured that the Bishop has continued the dispensation for the obligation of Sunday mass.
  2. The entrance and exit to the Church will be limited to the front doors.
  3. Mass attendance will be limited to 300 people (25% of our capacity). Please consider coming early to insure seating prior to the start of mass.
  4. Seating will be marked in the pews by tape and ushers will be there to direct you as needed. We will need to maintain social distancing of 6 feet between individuals or families.
  5. You are encouraged to wear a face cover and to utilize the available hand sanitizer, or hand sanitizer that you bring.
  6. There will not be a sign of peace, and we ask that you refrain from holding hands during the Lord’s Prayer.
  7. The Sacristy and the hallway leading to the Sacristy will be off limits to all people except those involved in the mass. If you need to see a priest, please call the office for an appointment. This for the safety of our priests, so they may continue to provide the Sacramental Rites.
  8. Communion procession will occur by sections, as directed but the Minister of the Eucharist. Gluten Free will be available by all Ministers. Please follow the direction of travel provided by the ushers.
  9. Communion maybe received in the hand or on the tongue. Please be aware that those who wish to receive on the tongue will be instructed to a special line.
  10. At the end of mass, dismissal will be by rows. Please refrain from leaving prior to your row is dismissed.

Changes you will see in the Church:

  1. Removal of all hymnals. If a worship aid is needed for mass, then we will revise copies that can be disposed at the end of mass. This is to prevent cross-contamination.
  2. Tape on the pews and on the floors to assist everyone in maintaining social distance.
  3. The Holy Water fonts have been removed.
  4. Collection baskets will be in the vestibule of the church. There will not be a collection basket passed around.


As you know, entering public spaces carries a greater risk during this pandemic. That is why those who are ill, elderly or have underlying health conditions are urged to stay home.

Further, if you have:

  • A fever
  • Been in contact with a known or suspected Covid patient in the past 14 days
  • Traveled on an airplane in the past 14 days

we ask that you wait 14 days prior to returning to mass.

Regarding Sunday Mass, the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still in effect and will be until further notice. 

Masses will still be live-streamed on Facebook and posted on the website.

If you have any questions, please email PLT@bscchurch.com


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