Eucharistic Adoration

After His Resurrection, Jesus approaches two despairing disciples on the road to
Emmaus. After encountering them, he reminds them, “Oh, how foolish you are!
How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke!” (Lk 24:25).
Then, he interprets the Scriptures, explaining to them how the Prophets had foretold
the Messiah’s suffering and how it would lead to him entering into glory. Their
hearts burned within them while he spoke, but they did not recognize him until “he
took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them” (Lk 24:30).

For us, too, the Eucharist makes us capable of seeing and believing in our
Resurrected Lord (cf. Desiderio Desideravi, no. 7). Through the Liturgy, we are
guaranteed an encounter with Jesus.
“Christian faith is either an encounter with him alive, or it does not exist” (Desiderio
Desideravi,no. 10). Thus, “we have become sharers of God’s inmost
life” (Sacramentum Caritatis, no. 8) invited into the “perfect communion of love
between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” (ibid.).
All members of the Church—ordained ministers and the faithful—enter into and
should be formed by the Liturgy. “We are required every day to rediscover the
beauty of the truth of the Christian celebration” (Desiderio Desideravi, no. 21).
“Efforts must also be made to encourage a sense of community within the parish,
above all in the common celebration of the Sunday Mass” (Sacrosanctum
Concilium, no. 42).
The beauty of the Liturgy should engender in us wonder, which leads us to

Therefore, we will be offering a special time of adoration of Jesus in the
Monstrance after each Mass for a period of about 10min. on the following
weekends: July 15th & 16th, October 14th & 15th, January 13th & 14th, and April 20th
& 21st.


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