Our altar servers are coming back. Please notify the office if you are interested in serving mass again. Everyone will need a new short training update.
Please call the rectory for more information.

Altar serving at Blessed Sacrament begins at the 5th grade level. Students not only learn how to serve the Mass and the priests, but they also get a close-up view of the sacristy and everything associated with it. As their mentor, Mr. Radicchi works to encompass the importance of the Mass and teach the adolescents some important parts of the Mass they may not hear or see or learn from CCD classes or Blessed Sacrament school. As he says, “I do try to enforce the word reverence with the children, and hope they are not just learning because their parents or grandparents want them to serve.
Many parishes have an age limit for their servers, but at Blessed Sacrament parish, we do not. Father Gordon feels that when the younger 5th and 6th graders see college graduates still serving, it is a great example. The rest of our parish agrees.
Blessed Sacrament Parish now has around 40 altar servers. This is a great number, but it gives everyone a chance to contribute back to their parish. On Wednesday, during the 8:30am school Mass, children from St. Jerome parish, who attend Blessed Sacrament School, get a chance to serve in our church. This is usually a good time to give a 5th grader a dry run before turning them loose on a weekend Mass, which is much more crowded. Our oldest server is now 28 years old, and we have quite a few who go to college and when they return home for break still seek to altar serve. Mr. Radicchi has been teaching for about sixteen years now.
If anyone from 5th grade and up is interested in serving the Lord and learning a little more about our parish, please contact us.
Ernie Radicchi phone 727-687-0804
Updated Schedule coming soon!