1st Sunday in Leny 2024

Fr. Rick’s Three-Minute Homily for the 1st Sunday in Lent B

February 18, 2024, Mark 1:12-15


A Cuddle, A Kind Word Goes A Long Way!

You may remember me telling the story of the runaway teenage girl who missed her mom and dad so much she begged me to take her home. I drove for five hours to her house, rang the doorbell, and her father opened the door. I said your daughter is in the car and misses you. She wants to come home. The father said, "I don’t have a daughter and slammed the door." The daughter sobbed and cried all the back to an orphanage where I left her in the care of some loving nuns.

I love it when moms and dads bring their babies to Mass. I notice that when the baby starts to fuss, even cry, mom or dad rock the baby, cuddle and say sweet little "I love yous" in the baby’s ears. Very soon, there is a hush, and the baby is again content.

The mercy of the Lord can bring peace to a troubled child, and what a difference it makes with adults.

Patrice Touhy relates the story of a family whose mercy endured a troubled sister.

Lily’s life was spiraling out of control. Her family tried reasoning, cajoling, guilting, but nothing seemed to work. She was in the throes of addiction and had lost her way. She was living a life that was making her miserable and breaking her family’s heart.

Finally, her siblings asked to meet at a local diner. As they nibbled on BLTs and fries, they shared a simple message with their sister. We love you. We want you to know that. Later in the conversation as the warmth of her siblings’ embrace set in, Lily seemed open to hearing a next step. "You can move out of your situation whenever you are ready," her siblings told her, "and come live with us."

The suggestion was received in silence. A bit more soul-searching was to come. But one day a month later, the buzzer rang at the siblings’ apartment, and in walked Lily, suitcase in hand.

Gospel Challenge:

A merciful heart sees past what a person does or doesn’t do and sees only the person. Jesus experienced all our temptations and falls in His desert but never lost sight of our good heart that loves Him. Whose good heart do you need to see, perhaps your own?

Love Your Neighbor:

Please join me in praying for all baptized Catholics to be faithful to Jesus in the Holy Mass every weekend. Hail Mary, full of grace…

Mother Mary, “I am yours now and forever. Through you and with you, I always want to belong completely to Jesus.” The Surrender Novena – InHeartland. https://inheartland.com/pages/the-surrender-novena

Peace be with you.

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.



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