Passion Sunday March 24, 2024

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily For Passion Sunday

March 24, 2024, Mark 14:1-15:47

True Strength

I want to consider the strength of Jesus. Imagine being blindfolded, spat upon, greeted with blows from guards, and just taking it. They crowned his head with thorns and repeatedly beat his back with whips. Think how it hurts to touch a finger that has a hang nail.

They put a cross on the shoulder of Jesus, who had wounds from his whipping the night before. I can’t imagine the pain he went through for you and me. How in the world did Jesus hang on that cross for three hours with nails fastened to his wrists and feet?

I will tell you where he got his strength to suffer so much for us. In Luke’s gospel, Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know not what they are doing.” His strength came from denying himself all he was experiencing and thinking only of us and what his sufferings will give us – freedom to live without sin in the fullness of God’s grace: Freedom to abandon ourselves to his care and trust him, follow him, even when we have to pick up our cross to live in the fullness of his life. And freedom to deny ourselves and love others as much as He loved us in His Passion.

Gospel Challenge:

My friends, this is a very difficult gospel and homily. Let us be willing to embrace all that Jesus suffered for us so, please God, we will have the grace to embrace his mercy for our sins and have a heart full of mercy for others.

Peace be with you.

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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