Thursday 12th Week in Ordinary Time June 27, 2024

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Thursday 12th Week in Ordinary Time

June 27, 2024, Matthew 7: 21-29

Rock – Faith and Love Take Work.

People in Florida know how important it is to build their houses on solid ground. Between the sinkholes and the floods, homes can wash away easily. Jesus built His Church on St. Peter’s faith with purpose and intent, which he called “The Rock.”

Jesus told Peter, “Whatever you declare on earth will be declared in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth will be loose in heaven.” Jesus has held to that promise. Through the grace of God, his Church has survived and grown over 2000 years, withstanding all the destructive winds of time and opposing cultures. The operative word for building God’s house on Rock is “build.” Faith and love take work.

We must want our parish (community of faith) to grow into Christ himself and become another Christ for the world. This truth doesn’t happen because we stand in Church and cry out “Lord, Lord,” as Jesus says. It takes time and effort to pray daily, do spiritual reading, study, and help our neighbor when in need.

It takes time, effort, and a decision to put our gifts and talents to work in service of our parish and community. It is the will of our Father that we work out our salvation in fear and trembling, meaning everything is God’s gift, and we are his faithful servants. Without Jesus, we can do nothing that has eternal significance.

So happy are we to be called and gifted to serve him and his brothers and sisters in love. We are building Christ’s house, where all are welcome to make their home. Our hearts are their home that we call Blessed Sacrament Parish and the Diocese of St. Petersburg.

Are we a part of this divine and human effort building our lives and eternity on the Rock? “Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like the wise man who built his house on rock.” Let us not think about doing something good for the Lord and his brothers and sisters.

Gospel Challenge:

Let us not say we will do something good for the Lord and his brothers and sisters.

Let us do something good every day for the Lord and his brothers and sisters. In his Providence, God will present that person and their need to us daily and provide the means to do it.

Love Your Neighbor!

Father Rick Pilger, IC


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